Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Char Doonan, Winnsboro
Member Since July 2009
Artist Statement Art has been part of my life since the day I could hold a crayon and scribble on paper. As an adult, almost 30 years in Graphic Design, owned CanDew Digital Imaging & Artistry for 15 years.

I've been known as the CanDew lady since 1995. Long before desktop computers I worked as a typographer and graphic designer creating visually communicative art. Creating everything from simple page layouts to complete magazine spreads. Worked for major corporations and independent graphic firms. Fell into the digital world of both vector and bitmap in its infancy and never looked back. My love of technology keeps me going, keeps my thirst for knowledge of my craft. Not too many years ago, I was able to release my pent-up passion for photography. Favorite form of photography is up close and personal.

Photographers capturing the image right the first time are great technicians who know their camera. Digital artists are technicians who know their tools. Both are artists that create beautiful images. At CanDew we do consignment paintings from photographs for both professional & amateur photographers. "Your photos become your art!"

Tools of choice: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Lightroom 2 and Corel Painter 11. Painter has opened up a new artistic form of expression for me. All my paintings are digitally created and each pixel is "painted." Plug-ins cannot achieve the detail that is in my artwork.

Long time member of NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals).

Please excuse me if I don't respond back in the comments section. Being extremely rural, the best internet connection is Mobile Broadband w/o the 3G, and I can tell you that it's only a step above dial-up. I do try to visit other galleries and enjoy the wide array of talent.


Product No 2466072
Subjects Children, Circus
Style Humor
Tags Char, Doonan, circus, clown, happy, painting, parade, silly, smiling